Walking with Jesus

As part of our ‘Who are you walking with?’ series, we are looking at what it means to walk with Jesus. Last week we explored some of what it means to walk with God and we concluded that it is a lifestyle. This week, as we look at walking with Jesus, our opening thought has to be that this is still about walking with God, although this time we are focussing on the second part of the Trinity: God incarnate and divine saviour, Jesus Christ.

Jesus was very much about mission. The only glimpse of him as a boy is recorded by Luke, who tells us of the time the young Jesus had been lost by his parents; they were frantic when they located him back in Jerusalem in the ‘temple courts sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking questions’. When Joseph and Mary challenged him, he enquired of them: ‘Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?’ (Luke 2:41-52) Even as a boy, Jesus sought to ‘grow in wisdom and stature’ (v52) to fulfil his purpose and destiny. I think that to walk with Jesus is to learn from him, to be more like him and love the world like him. A big mission, yes, but definitely not one that’s impossible to those who are prepared to walk with him!