The Christian community should never be a place where people feel they need to hide and cover up what they are really going through. In a genuine Christian community, people can share all of their struggles and ask for prayer without fear of shame or judgment. They can testify about how God is working through whatever is happening in their lives.

We hope to add links to helpful resources below. You’re also welcome to get in touch with us for practical help and prayer.

Depression: Elizabeth and Mary address some common misconceptions about depression and share some helpful things to remember. They talk honestly about their own experiences. Read more here…

Common conditions: an overview of some common mental health struggles and how faith and Christian support can help. Read more here…

Dos and don’ts of mental health care and inclusion: suggestions from those who struggle with mental health themselves and from professionals. Read more here…

A healthy approach to emotions: understanding how we can acknowledge our emotions without them driving us. Read more here…