Ask for a renewed passion

As we go into the second week of our ‘Powerful Acts’ series, I’m reminded that there is power in our corporate gathering together. Not only are we told that, when two or three are gathered together in Jesus name, He has promised to be there, we are also urged by the author of Hebrews to ‘not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another’ (Hebrews 10:25). The Hebrews exhortation is given in the context of perseverance: even when we can think of a hundred earthly reasons to give up, let’s persevere and find the place of breakthrough in our desire to regularly meet together for Jesus’ sake.

If we find ourselves lacking the energy or the inclination, let’s ask of the Lord (James 4:2) for a renewed passion for ourselves, and why not couple that with a fresh decision to be an instrument of encouragement to those around us, as we build each other in the thing that we should hold onto above anything else: our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ!