
We are delighted to have a service of infant dedication today, and we are really pleased to be joined by many close relatives and friends of the family. It is such a blessing to join together and celebrate this special occasion; I often think that we should do more celebrating!

The Bible is full of specific occasions when God’s people set time to remember and celebrate his faithfulness and they especially enjoyed celebrating new things: new year, new harvest, new beginnings etc., etc..

At the very heart of our faith and hope in Christ lies the declaration that ‘if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.’ (2 Corinthians 5:17) Our new life in Christ is surely a cause to celebrate, as through him we are transferred from a life of darkness into a life of optimism, hope and into God’s ‘marvellous light’ (1 Peter 2:9). Our human instinct is all too often keen to home in on the pessimistic; so let’s be careful where we dwell: living there or even visiting that place can erode the joy of our salvation.

Today is a day to celebrate the gift of life and remind ourselves of God’s faithfulness. Let’s use our time together as a springboard into fresh optimism as we celebrate the Lord’s faithfulness.